Frequently asked questions

How can I submit a promo code to Couponizza?

You can easily submit a promo code to Couponizza by following these steps: Go to the Couponizza website and click on the "login" button and "create new promotion" code. Enter the promo code and select the discount type. Provide all the necessary information, such as the coupon's expiration date and usage terms. Click "Submit" and wait for your coupon to be reviewed and approved.

How long does the approval process take?

The Couponizza team reviews all submitted coupons as quickly as possible, usually within a few days. If your coupon is approved, it will be published on the site immediately.

Are there any restrictions on how many coupons I can submit to the Couponizza?

Couponizza has no restrictions on the number of coupons you can submit to the site. You can submit as many coupons as you want, as long as they are valid and comply with the site's rules and policies.

Feel free to contact us and we'll help you out as soon as we can.

What other information should I know before submitting my coupon to Couponizza?

Some important things to keep in mind include: Your coupon must be valid and available for use. Your coupon must be easily accessible and discoverable by users. Your coupon must not conflict with Couponizza's rules and policies. Once your coupon is approved, it will be published on Couponizza's site.

Can I update my coupon and move it to the top of the list more than once?

Yes, you can update your coupon and move it to the top of the list multiple times, but there is a limit of 12 times per day for regular users. This means that you can only update your coupon and move it to the top of the list 12 times within a 24-hour period. However, if you are a premium user, you may have more frequent updates available.

What does the free version include?

The free version of Couponizza allows users to edit their old promo codes as many times as they want and add unlimited promo codes from different companies. However, promo codes submitted by free users may not stay at the top of the list for as long as premium users' codes, which may result in lower visibility for their coupons. Additionally, free users may have a limited number of daily updates available for their coupons. Overall, the free version of Couponizza still provides a great opportunity for businesses and individuals to promote their products or services with promo codes.

What are the benefits of being a premium user on Couponizza?

Premium users on Couponizza have several benefits, including the ability to keep their promo codes at the top of the list for an extended period of time. Specifically, premium users can keep their promo codes at the top of the list for one month, giving them more visibility and a higher chance of being used by Couponizza's users. Additionally, premium users may have more frequent updates available for their coupons.

Don't hesitate to contact us

If you have any questions related to the site, please feel free to contact us.

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